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How to Update Your Project File After Submitting to Festivals

Dec 05, 2024
I have several clients who have new edits of their films and they asked me the best way to go about updating film files.
This could be because they initially submitted a Work In Progress (WIP), and they now want to update their project file with the final film, or perhaps they just decided after submitting to shave a few minutes from their total runtime, and now have a shorter version they wish to share.
If you decide at some point that you want to update your film file, here are a few things to keep in mind:
  • Check to confirm that the festivals you submitted to all accept new files. While most will accept an updated film, there are a few that require that the film link and password remain the same. If you your film is hosted on Vimeo, you can replace your film, and keep the original link. If your film link is on YouTube, you’re out of luck where this is concerned, as YouTube will not let you replace video files and retain the same link.
  • Please note: Just because a festival will allow you to upload a new video file, that does not guarantee the new version will be watched. Programmers watch hundreds, if not thousands, of films. If they have already screened your film and passed on it internally, they are not likely to give it another watch. But, if the timing works out, you may get lucky and upload your new file before it has been watched or before a decision has been made.
  • Once you update your film file, make sure the password still works.
  • Update the runtime in your project specifications.
  • You should contact the festival and let them know of your updated file, and summarize the changes you made.
  • If you have a programmer's personal email address, use that. If not, the general address (which they should list on FilmFreeway / submission platform, and/or on their official website) is perfect and you should use that.
  • Note your submission number, as well as your title, in the subject line and within the email itself. Note what changes were made. Keep your email short and sweet; friendly and to the point.
  • This is a good opportunity to mention why you specifically would love to attend their festival.
  • Mention if you’re an alumni - it doesn’t hurt and it could help! šŸ˜‰

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